What is going on?  You have been asking yourself this for months, even years…life is no longer good.

Have you been having trouble in your life lately?  Have you been bullied, marginalized, set up, slandered and generally treated horribly for some time now?  Does something seem odd about your life–not just the average trials of living?  You could be a targeted individual.  This is a revised version of a post I did in 2009 on the old blog.  There are many facets to this crime but they can be mainly separated into a few categories:

  • Organized Harassment
  • Electronic Harassment/Hands-off Torture
  • Mind Control
  • Spiritual Harassment

The nasty tricks these “perps” can use is limited only by their sick imaginations.  By a combination of street perps with handheld technology like smartphones and tablets, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Reading Towers, The Hive Mind, Occult Curses, Spiritual Abuse and plain old bullying, the possibilities are endless.  Most targeted individuals aren’t aware of their condition and end up going the “mental health” route and get damaging psychiatric drugs while the Gangstalking and Torture continues.  That is not to say that some people may be mentally ill and having symptoms similar to the ones I will list, but if you feel you are basically functional, and especially if you had a “normal” life before the changes began, you may be a ti.  There are also targeted individuals that are actually mentally ill.  Mentally ill or physically disabled people make easier targets–a person could be “crazy” and still be a target.  I also think perps might like to go after people with high functioning Autism–people who seem normal in many ways but have lousy social skills.  I might be one of them.

These symptoms are only my opinion.  There are thousands of ti sites now.  Read a variety of them.

I.  Organized Stalking

  1. Do people seem rude or cold to you wherever you go?
  2. Are people nice at first then quit being friends?  Is it impossible to keep friends?
  3. Are you getting poor service by contractors and mechanics?  Are cars and trucks gunning their motors up and down your street, even speeding up alleys?  Are you hearing a lot of honking or EMS sirens?
  4. Is your car always breaking down?  Is your computer slow, full of viruses, or dying a premature death?
  5. Are you missing important mail?  Is your mail late?  Have you been penalized for late bills that were delivered late?  Is your mail ripped, stamped with boot marks or looking damaged regularly?  Is a little flap ripped off the top of your flap on the corner so someone can read a personal letter?
  6. Are people on the street regularly making odd gestures at you?  Are you getting “nose swipes”, people touching their hair, touching their bellies, etc…(look up Stasi Hand Signals).  Are you being ID’d by strangers to other strangers in public?  e.g….”that’s her” as they go by?
  7. Are people muttering insults as you go by or by your window?  Are perfect strangers giving you dirty looks on a regular basis?
  8. Are you losing friends and not making new ones?
  9. Are your new friends sort of weird and odd and seem to have an agenda?  Do they become very bossy and oppressive and inquisitive after a short while?
  10. Are you recently separated, divorced, or broken up with a significant other?
  11. Are you going to get some money in an inheritance?
  12. Do strangers act hateful, even threatening, around you?
  13. Do strangers try to start arguments with you in public places?  Has it ever escalated to a physical fight?  Have police been called?  Were the police automatically on the instigators side and NOT even willing to listen to you?
  14. Do drivers have their brights shining on you as you drive or walk at night?  Do cars park or position themselves to shine their lights in your window when at home or stationary, like at a bus stop?  Are you followed when driving despite many turns to lose your tail?  Do you get someone slow ahead of you in your lane especially on a two lane road and then get another driver on your tail essentially pinning you in?  Do you get it on 4 sides on the highway?  Do drivers pretend to jump out in front of you from side streets or drift towards you like they would side swipe you?
  15. Is your family acting strangely?  Are they treating you differently?  Are you being left out of family functions?  Do you feel marginalized by your family when you were important to them before?  Are you/have you always been the “black sheep” of your family on the other hand?
  16. Do co-workers you don’t like or your “ex’s” friends seem to just “show up” around town when you are out?
  17. Have you been pressed to see a psychiatrist when you make valid complaints about poor treatment?
  18. Is your boss unwilling to promote you?  Is your formerly friendly boss now suspicious of and “rides your ass” at work?  Are your hours getting cut e.g. in food service jobs?  Are your professors/teachers “grading you down” for work you have gotten a higher grade for in the past?  Do your teachers ignore your comments in class, and are rude to you out of class?
  19. Do you find odd paraphernalia left on the ground for you?  Is it usually a small coin such as a penny, nickel or dime?  Is it something that relates to your life?  Could it be perceived as a threat?  Does this happen a lot?
  20. Do people all seem to be wearing the same color clothing on certain days?  Are they wearing the color you are wearing?  Do you see cars of the same color around town on some days?  Do people wear a lot of red around you?
  21. Are you being persistently bullied at work and social activities?


II.  Electronic Harassment.

  1. Are you getting sharp sting-like pains for no reason?  Do you suddenly get severe itching at night when you want to sleep?
  2. Do you get pains in the heart area without any signs of heart disease?  Do you have unexplained headaches that are not part of a physical condition?
  3. Do you have trouble sleeping?  Are you “jolted awake” just as you doze off?  Do you have nightmares on a regular basis?  On the other hand, do you sleep too much?
  4. Are you always tired after minor exertion?
  5. Have you had a sudden onset of a severe illness such as diabetes, cancer, MS, lupus where you were previously healthy and these conditions do NOT run in your family?
  6. Has your physical appearance seemed to deteriorate rapidly?  Are you prematurely aging?  Are you gaining weight quickly due to stress overeating?  Losing quickly due to extreme anxiety?
  7. Are you greying SLOWER THAN NORMAL?
  8. Do you have strange dreams with repetitive themes such as rejection?
  9. Do you have strange pain in certain areas of you body–especially at home and in certain rooms?  Have you felt the need to more your sleeping place due to lack of sleep?  Do you sleep better away from home?
  10. Do you have vertigo with no cause that lasts and lasts?
  11. Are you weaker on one side now?  Is there no explanation?
  12. Do you feel heart palpitations?/fast heartbeat?
  13. Do you catch constant “colds” or infections that run on for months and only go away as summer comes?
  14. Do you have little “accidents” at home and away?  Do you fall while walking for no reason–feeling like you were tripped or pushed down?  Do you bump into things and have lots of bruises?  Do you cut yourself accidentally and there is no PHYSICAL CAUSE FOR ANY OF THESE THINGS?
  15. Do you have dental problems where your teeth were healthy before?
  16. Do you get sexually stimulated at odd and inappropriate times and are made to feel guilty and dirty?
  17. Do you get feeling “heated up” or cooked when you think the “wrong thing” or are emotionally incited?  Do you wake up drenched with sweat at night every hour or so?


III.  Mind Control

  1. Have you started to hear “voices” that emanate inside your head, from the wall, from an appliance with a motor running like a refrigerator, fan, or heater?  Does no one else hear them.  Do they sound like people you know as in co workers, family or even friends?
  2. Have you been having intrusive thoughts, usually negative, at just the wrong time?  If you do, you will know what I mean.
  3. Are weird coincidences happening in your life where it seems you are prophetic, as in dreams, or opinions that are strange that turn out to be right?  Do you see odd combinations of numbers popping up on license plates or even the clock as you look at it?  They can be repetitive numbers usually “666” or “333” or “999” or “111”.  They can also represent dates like birth dates or death dates or other important dates like anniversaries especially if you are estranged from the person.
  4. Do you see “visions” with your eyes closed that are disturbing and negative?  Have you seen “visions” with your eyes open?
  5. Do you seem to “haunted” by dead friends, relatives, co workers, public by lookalike actors?  Do they act negative towards you? Some people even see lookalikes of dead celebrities and politicians….haven’t seen Nixon yet!
  6. Do you have  trouble concentrating on things that were easy before?
  7. Do you have some memory loss/forgetting words/forgetting names/appointments etc…at times?
  8. Are you having trouble grasping difficult concepts you were able to learn before?  Are you having trouble concentrating on any in-depth reading (such as philosophy or theology or science) that you enjoyed before?
  9. Are you suddenly clumsy in public and bump into people and things and knock them over?  Is your balance or spatial cognizance off?  Do your feel social ineptness you didn’t have before, or overcame?
  10. Have you experienced FORCED SPEECH either muttered or spoken aloud that are inappropriate or disturbing in public or even in private with windows open and a perp outside?
  11. Do you have trouble speaking fluently?  Do you stammer when you didn’t before?  Do you scramble words in a sentence?  Do you speak “word salad” at times?  Do you sound like an uneducated rube in public but sound much better on “paper”?
  12. Do you feel your mind is being read and is confirmed by a reaction when you “think something” to someone?  Do you have “conversations” with the Voice to Skull?
  13. Does Voice to Skull badger you and torment you all day with threats and ridicule?


IV.  Spiritual–the part they want me to leave out.

  1. Do you feel farther from God?  Cold towards God?
  2. Do you hear voices telling you they are God and you are going to Hell?
  3. Are bad things happening to you all the time?
  4. Do you feel a sense of oppression or bondage in your life?
  5. Do you feel cursed?  Is a blessing sent into your life and reversed?
  6. Have witches or other occultists taken up residence around you or gotten hired at your job?  Do previously religious friends seem to be “falling away” from their previous devotion to their religion?
  7. Do you feel your prayers are blocked?
  8. Do you feel God has turned His Back?  Have you been told you have demons?
  9. Do you no longer feel happiness or joy?  Do you rarely laugh?  Is the laugh shallow and stops soon?
  10. Do you get panic/anxiety attacks upon awakening?  All the time?  When you do something the perps don’t want you to do?
  11. Are you falling away from your own religion?
  12. Is it HARD TO PRAY, praise, or contact God in any way?

These are just some of the symptoms of targeting.  Almost all mimic physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual trouble.  Sometimes the things you feel are real symptoms of real disorders, so see a doctor or religious leader if in doubt.

If you “have” most or a whole lot of these symptoms happening in your life at the same time or over a period of time you may be targeted!


  1. Hi again,
    Great list/post of info to know. May I suggest you add if possible, chemical/poisoning in your environment, car, when you go out. Gassing! These can be related to the onset of illnesses too. 😗


    • Neverending1 had constant sprays of pesticide. Where I live there is pollution that smells like the inside of a toilet.


      • They are gassing me non stop. They must want to give me cancer. Bloody hell. I’m not a human to them. They could care less what happens. Maybe even happy to achieve their cruel goals. They are also making the world so much more toxic for everyone! Kids included.
        Toilet smells, sucks. Here’s a rose. 🌹hope u can see it.

        Tx for writing back. I hope ur relatively OK.


      • They like to use smells as you know. If you are being gassed u will likely feel the effects. Unless they are doing low level but they usually want us to know at some point. How r u if I may ask?


      • The smell comes and goes. It makes me feel filthy to smell it all the time. How long have you been a ti?


      • Gross. I’ve had a lot of feces put around me. It’s hard to answer how long for TI. The visible stalking and ruining my life started in Fall 2014. I was trying to get my life on track after a devastating loss, and years struggling with a chronic illness. I thought that I was going to be able to be free to do that, but no. I can’t say much about it.
        Lots of betrayal. Wish I had understood this stuff but how can one?


      • Wow so you are a relatively new target! I have been targeted since late 1986. I was young and healthy to start. Sounds to me like someone did not want you to move on in life. Every time I try and make a friend I get a knife in the back. I know about betrayal. Do you watch Ramola D Reports? She does tons of shows relating to targeting. Her show is an outgrowth of Pineconeutopia’s Thursday show on You Tube. She does a live feed at about 8am on Thurs morning where you are. She is an activist and also has a Web site.


  2. I can’t do vids cuz I’m working with a phone and they just don’t load up unfortunately, or I would watch… I don’t have time to watch them at outside computers that only give short time frames. 😦


  3. Ah yes betrayal. Seems the only thing we can be sure of eh? And duplicity. I think we can only be friends with TIs and it is still fraught with uncertainty due to you know who.


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